Monday, January 7, 2013

Problems in the Church

Hi, I'm Nathan. 

This is a critical post. I won't pretend to have all the answers, but I want to put into words some things about certain churches that have been bothering me for years. Maybe you can relate, and hopefully you have some good solutions to share. Here it goes...


This can happen by clouding the Bible with earthly wisdom, experience, tradition. It can also happen by taking verses out of context. Often, the pastor has been taught to understand verses a certain way and assumes that the interpretation learned can be passed along without critical analysis. The worst case scenario is where pastors actually abuse their congregants with their pastoral authority. Like any position of power, pastoring can attract those who want to have power over people and/or are interested in taking their money.


It is important to remember that there are various interpretations of the Bible. In such cases, different viewpoints need to be respected and discussed, working together (in the Bible!) to increase in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. It is arrogant and foolish to believe that your teacher, your pastor or your denomination is simply right and others wrong. When pastors cannot be questioned or Biblically challenged on their teaching, there is a huge problem. “You are a royal priesthood…” “So then, no more boasting about human leaders.”


While pastors are vitally important to the Church, a pastor is simply one of many vocations. They should be appreciated for their hard work and job well done, just as everybody else. However, pastor appreciation can resemble the Oscars, with a certain group of people congratulating themselves in front of their audience. For example, extravagant parties for pastors coming and going, while faithful volunteers might receive a mention when they leave, if they were highly visible.  Recently, the son of our youth pastor was dedicated. There was a special ceremony for this during Sunday service, while other children are dedicated in a large group once every few months. Being a pastor is also widely pronounced (by pastors) to make one a “Godly person.” “For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others”


As in the world, many churches have hierarchical structures, with many ambitious people striving for positions of power and prestige. There is more honor given to pastors, deacons, boards than for to others. “When you have a banquet, invite the poor…”


Often, churches spend the vast majority on their local facility, staff, and events for the congregation itself, while focusing a much smaller amount to evangelism and charity. There must be a better way to make our giving reach those in need. Partially for this reason, giving time can be a dreadful one in many churches. Unpleasant also can be the talk that directly precedes the plate-passing. It is at the same time pleading, demanding, coercive, manipulative – in short, it attempts to make giving compulsory. Many churches appeal to fear (“stingy hearts block the Spirit of God from flowing through the house”), law (“Will a man rob God?”), even greed (“God will bless you one hundred-fold”), instead of thankfulness, compassion, generosity.  “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

God Bless You! Thank you for reading, hopefully we can have a good discussion about these issues.

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